Thursday, February 6, 2014

I want a girl to come into my life who ..

- I want a girl to come into my life who helps bring me closer to Christ . A girl who not only loves God , and is thankful for everything Jesus has done .. but loves herself for who God made her to be . A girl that wakes up in the morning saying ' i'm so blessed ' for everything she has , even the small things , instead of complaining about everything she doesn't have . I want a girl to come into my life who only tells me she loves me when she truly means it . A girl that is as faithful as I am and wouldn't even dream about cheating on me . A girl that likes to cuddle and hug and kiss and juss have that strong physical / emotional bond with me . A girl that , even though i'm not a virgin , accepts the fact that i've made a vow to myself to wait until marriage to have sex again . A girl that , not only appreciates all the little things that i love doing in relationships, but strives to do those little things as well . I want a girl to come into my life who knows where she's going , or is at least trying to figure it out . A girl that loves to try new things , and has me try new things as well . A girl that will sing with me for hours and not get sick of my voice being way off pitch . A girl that enjoys being active , but will also cuddle and tear up with me at the end of love stories . A girl that not only tries her best in everything she does , but pushes me to be the best in everything that I do . I want a girl to come into my life who loves her family as much as I love mine . A girl that will be my partner any time we play a card game . A girl that accepts the fact that I can be a little jealous . A girl that wants to be around me as much as she possibly can with any opportunity that she gets . A girl that will sit down and actually study with me . A girl that , after marriage , wants no more than 2 kids . A girl that doesn't have to get dolled up 7 days a week and appreciates the fact that God created sweatpants for a reason . I just want that special girl that won't leave me , or beat me down , or cheat on me after she says ' I love you ' . I want to believe there is a girl out there who is just like that .

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Rap Music

- if you want to dive into your faith but can't give up listening to rap music try listening to TobyMac or Lecrae .

Friday, January 17, 2014

Being a Christian 7 days a week

I'm sure most of you know the phrase " Don't be a Christian only on Sunday . " For those of you who don't this is referring to the group of people who claim to be Christians because they go to church on Sunday , yet their actions and words and their daily life on the other 6 days of the week don't reflect their faith . This is a problem . You can't be a ' part time ' Christian and expect to get into heaven when you pass away . It doesn't work that way . As bold as that is it's the truth .

Matthew 23:4 "They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders , but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them . "

Matthew 23:4 puts these people in perspective quite well . These ' part time ' Christian's go about their daily lives building up these 'heavy loads' of sin , expect to be saved and forgiven on Sunday , then go back out the next day and make the same bad choices all over again . Jesus didn't die for us to use his death as an excuse to be reckless with our faith . We as Christian's were put here to spread the word of God and express his Love for US in our OWN lives 7 days a week .

Being a Christian is so much more than attending Church and living a ' good ' life as a ' nice ' person . You may be a great person , and you may live a clean , pure life .. but doing that is living for yourself . We're not here to live for ourselves . We , as Christian's , are here to live FOR Jesus . It's up to us to spread His love for everyone around the world and it's our job to show this in our every day lives .

So What does it mean to be a Christian 7 days a week ?

Here are some questions you could ask yourself ..

- Do you desire Jesus in your every day life ?

- Do you open your Bible on a regular basis ?

- Do you think about and pray about what you read and ask for Guidance on your reading so you can reflect what you have read into your own life ?

- Do you obey the 10 commandments ?

Let me stop for a second and explain this question a little bit . A lot of times I hear non-Christian's joking around by saying " are you ' allowed ' to do that as a Christian ? " We are not ' robots ' who arn't allowed to have a little bit of fun in our lives but there ARE some set rules that we need to apply to our daily lives and these include the 10 commandments . One that I really want to hit on is number 3 ..

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain .

This strikes me as extremely important to talk about because I hear Christian's take His name in vain EVERY single day and it urrkks my soul . I juss don't understand how someone can miss this one specific commandment or how they can convince themselves that it's okay . You need to stop . Point blank . Can't really be any more clear than that .

Honor thy father and mother .

Your parents are your parents . They are here to protect and watch over you as you grow up . You should never hate your parents when things don't go your way . Most of the time the reason you get mad at them is because YOU did something wrong and you should expect the consequences . I'm not saying this is a free card for parents to do whatever they want , but i'm saying not getting what you want , or not being able to go places you want to go , isn't a reason to dislike your parents . You should tell them you love them on a daily basis . Show them that you respect their wishes and that you understand why they make the decisions they make .

- When people look at you , do they say " Yeah , he / she is definitely a Christian " ?

- Does the music you listen to encourage your beliefs or does it corrupt your thoughts ?

I'm going to make a separate post about this question so i'll leave it up in the air for now .

There are many MANY more questions you could ask yourself but i'll stop here .


1 Peter 1:16 " for it is written: ' Be Holy , because I am Holy ' . "

Monday, January 13, 2014

Welcome to my blog :D

Well , if you are reading this you somehow , someway , and for some reason found your way to my blog . And i'm glad you did (: My goal for this blog is to help spread the word of God through my own experiences and through the experiences of others that I witness / hear about on a daily basis . I'll be making an about me page shortly so I wont get into much detail about myself here . Rather i'd just like to keep this first post simple and juss say Welcome , and God Bless <3